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Activity Forums Mental Health Mental Health Toolkit: My Must-Haves for Feeling My Best!

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    Isaac Baca

    Life can be stressful, but that doesn’t mean we have to suffer in silence! Here are some of my favorite tools to keep my mental health in check:

    • The Mighty Meditation App! ‍♀️ This app has guided meditations for everything from anxiety relief to sleep improvement. It’s like having a pocket-sized meditation guru!
    • The Joy Journal! Writing down my thoughts and feelings helps me process them and identify patterns. Plus, jotting down things I’m grateful for is a major mood booster!
    • The Get Active Gang! ‍♀️ Exercise releases endorphins, those feel-good chemicals that leave me feeling energized and happy. Find an activity you love, whether it’s dancing to your favorite tunes or taking a walk in nature!
    • The Supportive Squad! Talking to trusted friends and family about what’s going on is crucial. A good support system can make a world of difference. Don’t bottle things up!
    • The Calming Corner! Creating a dedicated space for relaxation can be a game-changer. Think comfy pillows, calming scents, and maybe a good book to unwind with.

    What are your favorite mental health tools? Share them in the comments and let’s build a bigger toolbox together! #MentalHealthAwareness #SelfCare #Empowerment

    Alina Palos

    Love your post! I use a similar meditation app called Calm. It has sleep stories narrated by celebrities that are super relaxing! #MeditationApps #MentalHealth


    Getting active is key! I love going for hikes with friends on the weekend. It’s a great way to exercise, connect with nature, and boost my mood! #NatureTherapy #Exercise

    Brawin Andrew

    Journaling is awesome! I also love listening to podcasts about mental health . It helps me learn new coping mechanisms and feel less alone. Here are some of my faves:

    Mental Health Happy Hour
    Therapy for Black Girls #MentalHealthAwareness #Podcasts

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